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Inova Genetic Therapeutic Clinic

Last updated: 03/07/2024
  • Comprehensive Treatment Center

    Center provides infusions; Gaucher Specialist(s) and Genetic Counseling for comprehensive care.

  • Treatment Center

    Center provides infusions & Gaucher Specialist(s) for care.


8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr #300

Fairfax, VA 22031

(571) 472-4300

Genetic Counselors

Additional Information

Type of Center
Comprehensive Treatment Center

How many Gaucher patients are treated at your facility?

The majority of Gaucher patients treated at the center are:
Infants, Children, Adults

Does your treatment center only offer infusions?

What is the average patient wait time from arrival to receiving infusion?
16-30 minutes

Which of the following services do Gaucher patients receive at your treatment center?

  1. Appointments with a Gaucher specialist
  2. Biweekly infusions
  3. Appointments with a genetic counselor
  4. Appointments with other physicians (for example, orthopedist, hematologist, hepatologist, etc.) as medically necessary

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