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Christopher Griffith, MD

  • Comprehensive Treatment Center

    Center provides infusions; Gaucher Specialist(s) and Genetic Counseling for comprehensive care.

  • Treatment Center

    Center provides infusions & Gaucher Specialist(s) for care.

Christopher Griffith, MD

University of South Florida

Comprehensive Treatment Center

13101 Bruce B Downs Blvd

Tampa, FL 33612


Specialty: Genetics

Number of years treating Gaucher patients (information provided by specialist)
6 – 10 years

Types of patients treated

  1. Infants
  2. Children
  3. Adolescents
  4. Adults
  5. Geriatrics

Does the physician participate in the ICGG/Registry?

Does the physician have an active clinical or lab research interest?

Please describe:
Involved in studies regarding treatment for Gaucher disease

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