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Pramod K. Mistry, MD, PhD, FRCP

  • Comprehensive Treatment Center

    Center provides infusions; Gaucher Specialist(s) and Genetic Counseling for comprehensive care.

  • Treatment Center

    Center provides infusions & Gaucher Specialist(s) for care.

Pramod K. Mistry, MD, PhD, FRCP

Yale Medicine (New Haven)

Comprehensive Treatment Center

800 Howard Ave., 4th floor

New Haven, CT 06519


Yale Medicine (New Rochelle)

Comprehensive Treatment Center

145 Huguenot Street

New Rochelle, NY 10801


Yale Medicine (Stamford)

Comprehensive Treatment Center

260 Long Ridge Road

Stamford, CT 06902


Specialty: Gastroenterology

Number of years treating Gaucher patients (information provided by specialist)
More than 21 years

Types of patients treated

  1. Infants
  2. Children
  3. Adults
  4. Geriatrics

Does the physician participate in the ICGG/Registry?

Does the physician have an active clinical or lab research interest?

Please describe:
All our research endeavors begin with problems Gaucher patients experience and we employ cutting edge technology, genome sequencing, biomarker discovery and single cell transcriptomics and immune profiling to get to the root of these problems. These efforts have led to major improvements in care of individuals affected by Gaucher disease. Yale site led the cerdelga clinical trial and it is a site for type Gaucher disease trial of brain penetrant oral venglustat.

Is the physician involved with patient advocacy?

Please describe:
Dr. Pramod Mistry has served as a member of Medical Advisory Board of NGF for past 2 decades and regular speaker at patient meetings. Since 2002, has been a Member of Medical Advisory Board of Gaucher Initiative, Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) and Chairman since 2013. He has served on FDA and National Institutes of Health panels for rare diseases.

Additional Contact Information
Dr. Pramod Mistry 333 Cedar Street, LMP 1080 New Haven, CT 06520 . Stacy Giangrande, Senior Administrative Assistant - Phone: 203-654-5846

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